Category: Uncategorized
Social media manager
I’m hiring a social media manager for From PhD to Life. The mission of From PhD to Life is to help graduate students and PhDs launch meaningful careers. I do this by providing 1-on-1 coaching and mentoring. Learn more about my services here. My clients range from current graduate students who are working on dissertations…
Support and community for graduate students and PhDs
My most recent post for University Affairs suggests ways students and PhDs can find or create structure, accountability, and support for themselves and their work. It begins: I work for and largely by myself, and I love it. My graduate school experience was similar in important ways: I worked at home without much externally-imposed structure.…
Support and community for graduate students and PhDs
I work for and largely by myself, and I love it. My graduate school experience was similar in important ways: I worked at home without much externally-imposed structure. It was challenging, and remains so. Even so, this is how I work best. But I do have support. I do have community. These days I have…
Congratulations to me!
Last night I won the gold award for best blog or column in the b2b/academic category at the Canadian Online Publishing Awards. I won this last year, too, so that “read her award-winning blog…” bit is staying in my bio 🙂
What is a PhD, anyway?
My latest post for University Affairs is a reflection piece on the many lived definitions of what PhD is and means and individuals. This may seem like a facile question. A PhD is a doctorate (thanks Google), the terminal degree in many fields. It’s what else it is that’s hard to pin down and get…
The next (scary!) step for me: building a formal community
How is it that I am more than three years into this job and I still feel like a n00b? Well, I know why – there are so many good, reasonable reasons. But one of the answers is that my role is adaptable, because I am self-employed and it is entirely up to me to make…
10 Starter Tips on Using Twitter for Business and Pleasure
I’m a big fan of Twitter–it’s expanded both my personal and professional networks tremendously. I recently published on some thoughts about what I’ve learned using it for my business. Twitter is one of the primary ways that I’ve grown my business over the past 3+ years. These days, most of my potential clients — for both 1-on-1 coaching and…
Get help with your non-academic job search
I’ve now been self-employed and working as an academic, career, and life coach for more than three years. I love that I get to work independently, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how much I can and do work collaboratively. When I started coaching, I worried about competitors. Over time, I saw more people beginning…
Why it’s good to hit the summer reset button
I recently started working again after taking a month off. It was great to relax, and it gave me a new perspective of some of my working habits that need to change. Among the reasons why I wanted to take a break this summer was that my work-life balance was out of whack. I work…
#VitaeWednesday: Maren & Jen’s 7 Tips for Going Beyond the Professoriate
Here’s the recording of the webinar I did with Maren Wood last week! Maren shared her research on academic hiring and career outcomes for PhDs, and then we gave our 7 tips for successfully transitioning to work beyond the professoriate. Watch it here! And download your free handout here.