Category: Uncategorized
You’re invited! Post-PhD brainstorming session
What do PhDs most want? How can PhDs be best served? What are PhDs most interested in? What are PhDs biggest strengths? What resources do PhDs have? What helps PhDs achieve their full potential? These questions are purposefully broad. I think they make a good beginning for some brainstorming sessions, conversations, blog posts, and Twitter…
Post-PhD magazine dreams
I want to start a magazine. It will be called Post-PhD and it will be beautifully designed, wonderfully written, and will have inspiring, surprising, and delightful original content. It will be for and about PhDs, including ABDs and our compadres, no matter what they do or where they do it. It will exist in physical…
I lived with many “should”s during my PhD. I should have worked harder in classes, spent more time on my essays, read more books, taken better notes, tried harder to set up reading groups, done more research, visited more archives, ordered more photocopies, applied for more conferences, networked more actively, worked more consistently on my…
I’ve been busy with different projects these past few weeks, and am now taking advantage of having little on my plate! Here’s a bit of what I’ve been up to: I participated in a panel and discussion about #alt-ac at the University of Toronto at Mississauga. The whole thing was streamed live over the ‘net…
Pamela MacIsaac, Vice Principal, Transition Q&A
UPDATE, Nov 2014: Pam MacIsaac now works as an academic coach and tutor with Think Academic Enrichment & Support. Pamela MacIsaac earned her PhD in history from McMaster University in 1997. She later completed a Master of Teaching at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) of the University of Toronto in 2008 and is…
#Femlead chat on informational interviews
I’m leading the #Femlead chat on Twitter this coming Tuesday, 16 April, between 2 and 2:30pm EDT (GMT-4). Please join me! From the University of Venus description: #femlead is for those who lead, those with vision, those who seek to support one another in the challenges and opportunities facing us in all areas of academic…
Tackling “scholar’s hunch”
For a long time I’ve felt generally physically uncomfortable. I have to make a point of standing or sitting up straight. When I’m trying to sleep, I can’t figure out where to put my arms. All chairs seem designed to ruin my day. As a student, I spent hours at a time hunched over a…
Stress and illness
Back in the summer I had a flare up of eczema . I’ve had persistent little dry spots appear before on my skin, primarily on my hands but also on my feet and arms. This time, it was different. By the fall, the dry patch was still there and growing ever larger. It had spread…
Quick trip
It was a long weekend here in Ontario, so when Bernard offered me a ride to Ottawa, I jumped at the chance. (Ottawa’s my hometown, and my parents still live there.) The only caveat was that Bernard wanted me to take a few pictures of him posing in front of a few landmarks. We left…
Changes ahead
I’ll be playing around with different themes, layouts, and header images over the next few days. Don’t mind the mess and here’s hoping for positive changes!