Why it’s good to hit the summer reset button

I recently started working again after taking a month off. It was great to relax, and it gave me a new perspective of some of my working habits that need to change.

Among the reasons why I wanted to take a break this summer was that my work-life balance was out of whack. I work from home and I love it, but I need to impose structure so I don’t end up working to exhaustion. This is on me to fix, and here’s what I’m doing about it.

It’s not too late to hit your own reset button! Read more about what I did here.


2 responses to “Why it’s good to hit the summer reset button”

  1. I’ve recently created a simple and manageable self-care plan and, kind of like a re-set button, it has helped me breathe and reprioritize the activities in areas of my life. Most important, it serves as a reminder that I am important, and that if I don’t believe this and make lifestyle changes to remind me of this very important fact, other things will suffer (professional life, relationships, physical and mental health).

    1. Nice! Glad to hear it 🙂