Tag: sociology
Transition Q & A: Christine Slocum
Christine Slocum, a sociology MA who left a PhD program after two years, is the latest Q & A participant. She writes about how she transitioned into her current job. Here’s how her post begins: You left your PhD program before finishing. Why? I left because, in retrospect, I was burned out. It was beginning…
Parker Palmer: “I can’t not do it”
Here’s what Parker Palmer, a PhD in sociology from the University of California, Berkeley, recently said about his post-PhD journey: I did a PhD at Berkeley and then immediately decided that academic life was not for me. So I started working my way towards something else, first as a community organizer and then living for…
Transition Q & A: Sam Ladner
Sam Ladner is a senior researcher at Microsoft, researching the future of productivity. She holds a PhD in sociology and has studied work, technology, and organizations in both academic and applied settings. Find her online at SamLadner.com and follow at @sladner. What did you hope for in terms of employment as you completed your PhD? I had…