Tag: Q&A
Carolyn Harris, Royal Commentator, Transition Q&A
Carolyn Harris earned her PhD in history from Queen’s University in 2012. She is now an instructor in history at the University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies, a freelance history writer, and royal commentator. Read her writing and interviews online at RoyalHistorian.com and follow her @RoyalHistorian. What did you hope for in terms of employment as you…
Peter Konieczny, Website Editor, Transition Q&A
Peter Konieczny earned his MA in history and MLS from the University of Toronto. He is now the librarian at Oxford College and the editor of Medievalists.net and four other history websites. Follow him@medievalicious. When you finished your MA, did you have a plan for what you’d do next? I finished my MA in 1999 and…