Tag: post-academic
Hillary Hutchinson, Career Coach, Transition Q&A
Hillary Hutchinson earned a MA in social anthropology and a MEd in higher education administration from the University of Texas at Austin. She’s now a career coach specializing in academic writing and the transition out of academia.
Kelly J. Baker, Freelance Writer, Transition Q&A
Kelly J. Baker earned her PhD in religion from Florida State University in 2008. Her scholarship has encompassed numerous topics in religion and popular culture, including religious hate groups, apocalypticism, religion and gender, and horror. Last year, she quit her job as a lecturer and moved back to Florida. She’s currently a freelance writer, who…
Andrew Miller, Manager of the Transit Policy Office, Transition Q&A
Andrew Miller earned a PhD in history from Johns Hopkins University in 2005. He currently manages a transit policy office for the Ontario Ministry of Transportation. What did you hope for in terms of employment as you completed your PhD? Unsurprisingly, I hoped for a tenure-track job, although I must admit those hopes weren’t fervent.…
Bruce Harpham, Senior Financial Analyst, Transition Q&A
Bruce Harpham earned his MA in history from Western University, as well as a master’s of information studies from the University of Toronto. He’s currently a senior financial analyst at the Bank of Montreal. Find him online at Project Management Hacks and follow him on Twitter @PMPhacks. When you finished your MA, what did you plan to do next? I…
Carolyn Harris, Royal Commentator, Transition Q&A
Carolyn Harris earned her PhD in history from Queen’s University in 2012. She is now an instructor in history at the University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies, a freelance history writer, and royal commentator. Read her writing and interviews online at RoyalHistorian.com and follow her @RoyalHistorian. What did you hope for in terms of employment as you…
Daniel Mullin, Sales and Consulting, Transition Q&A
I’m pleased with this latest contribution from Dan Mullin, whom you may know from The Unemployed Philosopher’s Blog. Dan’s honest about why he sought out and is now happy in a non-academic job. He’s working in sales, and has this to say about why it’s a good fit for him and other PhDs. Daniel Mullin…
Emily Simmons, Education Specialist, Transition Q&A
My latest post is a Q & A with an English PhD who worked as an adjunct and visiting assistant professor in Canada before getting married, moving to Australia, and finding meaningful, fascinating, and fun employment at an alternative education provider. Emily Simmons earned her PhD in English from the University of Toronto in 2011.…
Daniel Munro, Principal Research Associate, Transition Q&A
Daniel Munro earned his PhD in political science from MIT He is currently a principal research associate at the Conference Board of Canada, working in the Centre for Skills and Post-Secondary Education. Find him online and follow him @dk_munro. What did you hope for in terms of employment as you completed your PhD? I wanted to be an academic…
Beyond the Professoriate conference
In my lastest post I write about an upcoming virtual conference I’m co-hosting with Maren Wood from Lilli Research Group. We’re excited to let you know that the schedule/program is out, and you can find all the details on this webpage. We’ve got 23 PhDs lined up to speak about their career journeys and provide…
Maureen McCarthy, Assistant Director of Advancement, Transition Q&A
Maureen McCarthy earned her PhD in English in 2013 from Emory University in Atlanta, GA. She is now the assistant director of advancement and best practices at the Council of Graduate Schools. Find her on Twitter @maureentmcc. What did you hope for in terms of employment as you completed your PhD? I was looking for a…