Tag: higher education
Jo VanEvery, Academic Coach, Transition Q&A
Jo VanEvery earned her PhD in sociology from the University of Essex. She’s now an independent academic coach and research facilitator. Find her online at JoVanEvery.ca and follow her @JoVanEvery. What did you hope for in terms of employment as you completed your PhD? When I completed my PhD, I did what seemed to be…
Training for jobs we won’t get
Today, a year after graduating and with no intention of returning to academia, I found myself at . . . an academic conference! And no, it wasn’t the annual meeting of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations, my old summer conference stomping grounds; instead, I was at Worldviews 2013: Global Trends in Media…
Empathizing with adjuncts
During my final years as a PhD student, when most people in my cohort were applying for academic jobs, I wasn’t on the market. It was hard enough to focus on my dissertation, and I really wanted it done. I wasn’t in love with academia anymore, was doing occasional freelance work, and had savings in…