Tag: ABD
Melissa Dalgleish, Research Officer,Transition Q & A
About Melissa Dalgleish Melissa Dalgleish is the research officer in the faculty of graduate studies and a PhD candidate in English at York University. She researches Canadian literature and graduate education, professionalization, and reform. When she’s not working on her dissertation, you can find her writing for Hook & Eye and #Alt-Academy, where she’s the co-editor of Graduate Training…
Supporting dissertators
My most recent blog post over at University Affairs is about how coaching has really been helping me now, my “what if” thoughts about my PhD years, and my new offering: a discussion and support group for dissertators! An excerpt: I’m launching a virtual discussion and support group, open to dissertators and graduate students in…
Sonja Streuber, Metrics and Risk Manager, Transition Q&A
Sonja Streuber earned her MA in English from the University of California, Davis, where she also spent several years in the PhD program before leaving ABD. She later earned an MSc in engineering management and systems engineering from the George Washington University. Sonja is currently a metrics and risk manager at NiSource and teaches at…
Veronica Rubio Vega, Research Analyst, Transition Q&A
Veronica Rubio Vega is a part-time PhD candidate in political economy at the Balsillie School of International Affairs at Wilfrid Laurier University. She works as a research analyst at RBC. Connect with her on Academia.edu, follow her @VERYVERO, or email her. You’re currently enrolled in a PhD program, but recently switched to part-time studies. What happened?…
Heather Steel, Researcher, Transition Q&A
About Heather Steel Heather Steel earned her MA in history from the University of New Brunswick and spent six years in the PhD program in history at York University. She is now a researcher in the non-profit sector. You left your history PhD program before finishing. Why? In the end, my dissertation and I were…