Category: Uncategorized
Lisa Bélanger, Founder, Transition Q & A
About Lisa Bélanger Dr. Lisa Bélanger is an award-winning researcher, innovator, and she is CEO of ConsciousWorks, a consulting firm that teaches people how insights from behavioural science can improve their personal and professional lives. Dr. Belanger holds a PhD in behavioural medicine from the University of Alberta, is a certified exercise physiologist, a published author…
Webinar: Engaged Academics in the Age of Mass Distraction
It’s been a crappy last few weeks in the US, and the crappiness is certainly creeping past the border. A lot of us feel strongly that we should do something — but what? And how? And what about all the other work we have to do? It’s in this context that Maren Wood, my partner…
How to prepare for a future job search
In early January I travelled to Denver to attend the American Historical Association meeting. I went to represent Beyond the Professoriate — the professional development business that I run with Maren Wood, a fellow history PhD turned entrepreneur. We spoke with graduate students, recent PhDs, and other historians who are interested in non-faculty careers. Many told us…
Make 2017 the year of “What if I…?”
A client shared this bit of wisdom with me a while back: Instead of admonishing herself with “I should…” she replaced it with “What if I…?” Reframing the sentiment as an open question turns it into something positive and future-oriented. The answer focuses on the benefits of taking an action, rather than the guilt or…
The PhD Career Exploration and Job Search Course
This was a success when we did it in the fall of 2016, so we’re offering is again starting January 19! For more info, check out, and sign up for the mailing list for updates.
Should You Quit Your PhD?
Earlier this year I published “It’s OK to quit your PhD” on my University Affairs blog; it was later reposted on the Shit Academics Say blog and shared thousands of times on social media. This post struck a chord with many people. To quit or not to quit a PhD is a fraught topic, heavy…
Maura Elizabeth Cunningham, Social Media Manager, Transition Q&A
Maura Cunningham is a history PhD turned writing and social media manager for a scholarly association. Maura knew when she entered her program that she wanted to work as a historian, but not as a professor. So she did things during her degree to set herself up for the career she wanted.
Social media manager
I’m hiring a social media manager for From PhD to Life. The mission of From PhD to Life is to help graduate students and PhDs launch meaningful careers. I do this by providing 1-on-1 coaching and mentoring. Learn more about my services here. My clients range from current graduate students who are working on dissertations…
Support and community for graduate students and PhDs
My most recent post for University Affairs suggests ways students and PhDs can find or create structure, accountability, and support for themselves and their work. It begins: I work for and largely by myself, and I love it. My graduate school experience was similar in important ways: I worked at home without much externally-imposed structure.…
Support and community for graduate students and PhDs
I work for and largely by myself, and I love it. My graduate school experience was similar in important ways: I worked at home without much externally-imposed structure. It was challenging, and remains so. Even so, this is how I work best. But I do have support. I do have community. These days I have…