Category: Uncategorized
Guest on the Ed.D. Pathway Podcast
One of my favourite things to do is join other people’s podcasts as a guest! I love nerding out about my work. I recently joined Matthew Downing on his show, the Ed.D. Pathway Podcast (I’m episode 9). In our conversation I shared a bit about my journey, my decision to hire a career coach, and start my…
Leaving academia? You don’t have to give up what you love
Here’s a common thought PhDs have when thinking about leaving academia: “I love A, B, C, and worry I will have to give them all up.” And I completely get it. But actually, you don’t. Let me explain using myself as an example here. As much as my PhD was a challenging time in many…
What are your summer plans, PhD?
Spring looms in my part of the world and that means summer will be upon us before you know it. And then fall, and winter, and hopefully the pandemic will actually be over by then. But I digress. The reason I’m writing this post is to check in with you about your summer plans. If…
You’re invited! Personal Branding & Networking on LinkedIn for Industry Professionals
I’m participating in this free online event this Saturday morning (19 March), starting at 11am EDT. This is for all PhDs who want to better leverage LinkedIn their job search and just generally have a better grasp of what their brand is and how to use it to make the world a better place. And…
How PhDs can pick references for jobs outside academia
This is a question a lot of PhDs have when contemplating a job search outside academia. Who do you ask to be a reference for you? In an academic context, you need letters of recommendation for almost everything. From applying to graduate programs and jobs, submitting grant proposals, even going up for tenure and promotion.…
You’re invited to a book launch party!
My friend Anna Marie Trester, PhD, has a new book out and I’m hosting a virtual book launch party! Woot! Here are the quick details: Putting More You Into Your Career A virtual book launch party for Employing Linguistics: Thinking and Talking about Careers for Linguists.Thursday, 10 March, starting at 2pm EST (11am PST).Register for…
What stories are you telling about yourself?
During Tuesday’s community Zoom call with my PhD Career Clarity Program folks we discussed the power narratives (stories) and expectations, and how those interact with the PhD job search. It was a great conversation. Stories and expectations can weigh very heavily on you, whether they come from family and friends, academic culture in general or…
On current (but not only current) academic issues
On Saturday, a PhD who works outside academia commented on Twitter that she’s not experienced the kind of abuse that is so common in academia since changing careers. And that totally tracks, because folks in positions of power elsewhere have a lot less direct influence over your life and career than they do in academia.…
Happy 10th anniversary (of my PhD defence)
Today marks 10 years (TEN!) since I defended my PhD dissertation at the University of Toronto. Part me of want to opine on things I’ve learned. Part of me laments progress not made. Part of me cheers what I’ve accomplished. That was a complicated day. I was happy to defend. I’d spent a long time…
Getting a job after your PhD means bridging this gap
Want to hear something frustrating when it comes to getting a job after your PhD? (Yes, yes you do.) I occasionally speak with employers (including both CEOs and HR/talent acquisition professionals) who want to hire social science and humanities PhDs for actually awesome research and analyst positions but struggle to do so. Say what? Yeah. 🤯 It’s like there’s…