Category: Transition Q & A
Peter Konieczny, Website Editor, Transition Q&A
Peter Konieczny earned his MA in history and MLS from the University of Toronto. He is now the librarian at Oxford College and the editor of and four other history websites. Follow him@medievalicious. When you finished your MA, did you have a plan for what you’d do next? I finished my MA in 1999 and…
Mélanie Brunet, Librarian, Transition Q&A
Mélanie Brunet earned her PhD in history and then her Master of Information from the University of Toronto. She’s now the librarian at the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) in Ottawa. Follow her @MelanieBrunet. Update, June 2016: Melanie is now Copyright Services Librarian at the University of Ottawa. What did you hope for in terms of employment…
Sam Ladner, Senior Researcher, Transition Q&A
Sam Ladner is a senior researcher at Microsoft, researching the future of productivity. She holds a PhD in sociology and has studied work, technology, and organizations in both academic and applied settings. Find her online at and follow at @sladner. What did you hope for in terms of employment as you completed your PhD? I had…
Alisa Harrison, Executive Director, Transition Q&A
Alisa Harrison earned her PhD in history from Duke University. She’s principal at A. Harrison Research & Consulting and the executive director of the Victoria (British Columbia) Division of Family Practice. What did you hope for in terms of employment as you completed your PhD? I wanted work that would be intellectually as well as socially/politically engaging; I felt like…
Sarah Kendzior, Columnist, Transition Q&A
Sarah Kendzior earned her PhD in anthropology from Washington University in St. Louis. She is now a columnist for Al Jazeera English, a public speaker, a researcher and a consultant. Find her online at and follow her on Twitter @sarahkendzior. What did you hope for in terms of employment as you completed your PhD? I started…
Chris Humphrey, Project Manager, Transition Q&A
Chris Humphrey earned his PhD in medieval studies from the University of York. He’s currently a project manager at Triodos Bank. Find him online at Jobs on Toast, his website of “positive & practical support for PhD careers outside academia,” and follow him on Twitter @ChrisHumphrey. What did you hope for in terms of employment as…
Transition Q & As from around the web
Here are a couple interesting Q & As from Life After the PhD and Inside Higher Ed. Here’s an excerpt from an interview with Jessa Chupik, who transitioned from history PhD student to executive recruiter: Many students might be loath to leave the academy because they enjoy certain aspects of the job. How have you…
Kimberley Yates, Associate Director, Transition Q&A
Kimberley Yates received her PhD in English from the University of Toronto in 1997 and completed a Masters of Information Studies in 2009. She is currently associate director of the Jackman Humanities Institute at the University of Toronto. What did you hope for in terms of employment as you completed your PhD? I was a…
Heather Steel, Researcher, Transition Q&A
About Heather Steel Heather Steel earned her MA in history from the University of New Brunswick and spent six years in the PhD program in history at York University. She is now a researcher in the non-profit sector. You left your history PhD program before finishing. Why? In the end, my dissertation and I were…
Brad King, Vice President, Transition Q&A
Brad King earned his PhD in history from the University of Toronto. He is a vice president at Lord Cultural Resources, an international museum and cultural planning firm. A tenure-track job at a research institution is often seen as the supposed goal of a post-PhD job search. What was your experience? What did you hope for…