Category: Transition Q & A
Viviane Callier, Science Writer, Transition Q&A
Viviane Callier earned her PhD in biology from Duke University. She’s currently a science writer at the National Cancer Institute and freelances on the side. Find her online here and follow her on Twitter @vcallier. What did you hope for in terms of employment as you completed your PhD? When I finished my PhD, I had lined up a postdoc…
Nicholas Dion, Senior Coordinator of Research and Programs, Transition Q&A
Nicholas Dion earned his PhD in religious studies from the University of Toronto. He is currently senior coordinator, research and programs at the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO), an independent research and advisory body of the government of Ontario that conducts and commissions research on various topics related to the province’s postsecondary landscape.…
Daveena Tauber, Consultant, Transition Q&A
Dr. Daveena Tauber earned her PhD in English from Rutgers University. She consults with graduate programs and graduate writers in the U.S. and internationally on issues related to scholarly writing. You can find her at What did you hope for in terms of employment as you completed your PhD? I had every intention of being…
Kara Santokie, Executive Director, Transition Q&A
Kara Santokie earned her PhD in political science from the University of Toronto. Formerly a professor, she is now director of Toronto Women’s City Alliance, where she works towards the inclusion of women’s voices in municipal politics. Her work has led her to be featured in the Toronto Star, NOW Magazine, CTV News, CP24, and the CBC,…
Michael Ryan Hunsaker, Special Education Teacher, Transition Q&A
Michael Ryan Hunsaker earned his PhD in 2012 from University of California, Davis in neuroscience. His research was to develop behavioral methods to evaluate neurodevelopmental disease in rodent models as well as to evaluate neuropathological consequences of genetic disease. He’s now a 2nd-5th grade special education life skills teacher in Utah. Find him online at Why…
Melissa Dalgleish, Research Officer,Transition Q & A
About Melissa Dalgleish Melissa Dalgleish is the research officer in the faculty of graduate studies and a PhD candidate in English at York University. She researches Canadian literature and graduate education, professionalization, and reform. When she’s not working on her dissertation, you can find her writing for Hook & Eye and #Alt-Academy, where she’s the co-editor of Graduate Training…
Kelly J. Baker, Freelance Writer, Transition Q&A
Kelly J. Baker earned her PhD in religion from Florida State University in 2008. Her scholarship has encompassed numerous topics in religion and popular culture, including religious hate groups, apocalypticism, religion and gender, and horror. Last year, she quit her job as a lecturer and moved back to Florida. She’s currently a freelance writer, who…
Andrew Miller, Manager of the Transit Policy Office, Transition Q&A
Andrew Miller earned a PhD in history from Johns Hopkins University in 2005. He currently manages a transit policy office for the Ontario Ministry of Transportation. What did you hope for in terms of employment as you completed your PhD? Unsurprisingly, I hoped for a tenure-track job, although I must admit those hopes weren’t fervent.…
Bruce Harpham, Senior Financial Analyst, Transition Q&A
Bruce Harpham earned his MA in history from Western University, as well as a master’s of information studies from the University of Toronto. He’s currently a senior financial analyst at the Bank of Montreal. Find him online at Project Management Hacks and follow him on Twitter @PMPhacks. When you finished your MA, what did you plan to do next? I…
Christine Slocum, Database Administrator, Transition Q&A
Christine Slocum earned her MA in sociology at the University at Buffalo in 2010. She spent two years pursuing a doctorate in sociology at the University of Washington before leaving that to begin a career working to alleviate homelessness. She is employed as one of the data nerds at the Homeless Alliance of Western New…