Category: Transition Q & A
Sunny Chan, Co-Op Program Specialist, Transition Q&A
Her biggest piece of advice? You absolutely must take the lead for yourself. Sunny Chan is an English PhD who works as a co-op program specialist at Ryerson University.
Dragos Popa, Manager at Health Canada, Transition Q&A
About Dragos Popa Dragos Popa earned his PhD from Carleton University in political science. He is now a seasoned leader within the Government of Canada, with broad experience in public policy, program development, and results-based management. For a decade (2004-2014), he taught graduate and post-graduate courses at Carleton University, the University of Ottawa, and the…
Rebecca Dirnfeld, Career Consultant Transition Q&A
About Rebecca Dirnfeld Rebecca Dirnfeld joined Ryerson University’s career centre in September 2014, and acts as a career consultant in the faculty of science. Additionally, she offers guidance to students and graduates on the job hunt through social media and via her website, Graduates in Transition, providing students a space to share personal experiences in…
Mike Commito, Director of Applied Research and Innovation, Transition Q&A
About Mike Commito Mike Commito earned his PhD in history from McMaster University. He’s now the director of applied research and innovation at Cambrian College in Sudbury, Ontario. Mike is also the author of Hockey 365: Daily Stories from the Ice and a writer for the LA Kings. Follow him on social media @MikeCommito. What did you hope…
Sarah Lockyer, Forensic Anthropologist, Transition Q&A
About Sarah Lockyer Sarah Lockyer, an Acadian from New Brunswick, earned her PhD in bioarchaeology at Bournemouth University in the U.K. She is now the Canadian Armed Forces’s casualty identification coordinator and forensic anthropologist. She can be found on social media @S_Lockyer. What did you hope for in terms of employment as you completed your PhD?…
Anaïs Bertrand-Dansereau, Researcher, Transition Q&A
You do not have to accept the labour conditions that have become the norm in universities, even if you are passionate about research and teaching.
Sarah Culpeper, HR Generalist, Transition Q&A
About Sarah Culpeper Sarah Culpeper earned her PhD at the University of Virginia in critical and comparative studies in music. She’s now an HR generalist, HR organizational services, at the Library of Parliament in Ottawa. Connect with her on LinkedIn. What did you hope for in terms of employment as you completed your PhD? Fairly early…
Hayley Furlong, Research Program Officer, Transition Q&A
“Fundamentally my overarching objective is to support researchers in driving their research program via securing national, European, or international funding awards and grants,” says Hayley Furlong.
Rose Muravchick, Assistant Director, Transition Q&A
Moving from a PhD in religious studies to working at a teaching and learning centre has sparked an interest in communications and marketing for Dr. Rose Muravchick.
Helen Kang, Healthcare Communication Consultant, Transition Q&A
Helen Kang earned her PhD in sociology, with a focus on medical sociology and history, from Simon Fraser University. She is now a self-employed consultant who specializes in health-care communication.