Category: Self-help
What are your summer plans, PhD?
Spring looms in my part of the world and that means summer will be upon us before you know it. And then fall, and winter, and hopefully the pandemic will actually be over by then. But I digress. The reason I’m writing this post is to check in with you about your summer plans. If…
What stories are you telling about yourself?
During Tuesday’s community Zoom call with my PhD Career Clarity Program folks we discussed the power narratives (stories) and expectations, and how those interact with the PhD job search. It was a great conversation. Stories and expectations can weigh very heavily on you, whether they come from family and friends, academic culture in general or…
Tips for surviving the academic job search season
On Tuesday evening I spoke at an event on imposter syndrome organized by Grad Minds, a student group at the University of Toronto. One audience member asked about how to keep her spirits up at this time of year, when academic hiring is in full swing. Or, should I say, academic rejection is in full…
Reflect back to move forward
Instead of making New Year’s resolutions, I’m going to reflect back on what I did and didn’t do this past year, and explore how I feel about those things. Those reflections will highlight things that are important to me, and suggest future priorities and action steps. Here are some questions to help you do the…
How a career sponsor can help your job search
A couple days ago I picked up a “Business Self-Help” book (so says the back cover) that my dad recommended to me. He suggested (Forget a Mentor) Find a Sponsor because it explains why women and people of colour should seek out sponsors in addition to mentors. Doing so, research shows, will significantly increase their chances of…
Priorites, values, strengths
Hi friends! I’ve been feeling a wee bit stressed lately, but I’m trying to let it go and get on with my life. Here’s my pep talk to myself. Maybe it can help you refocus your energies, too. There’s nothing I can do about what people think about me and my colleagues. Nothing. What I…
Taking stock and measuring well-being
Happy 1-year blogging anniversary to me! Wow, that went quick. But I completely forgot about this birthday when I wrote the title of my latest post for University Affairs, so taking stock has nothing to do with my blog. Instead, I write about a couple coaching exercises, Marty Seligmans’s theory of well-being, and the importance…