Category: Reflection
Coaching graduate students
On my new LinkedIn group (called From PhD to Life, natch), Laura Graham asked me what I thought were “the greatest areas of need” when it came to working with graduate students. At first, I responded briefly: I am a coach, not an editor or mentor-for-hire, which means I take a non-directive approach, and that it was difficult…
Feeling rooted in the midst of uncertainty
My latest for University Affairs is a personal reflection on where I am now and where I’m headed, finding certainty in the midst of much uncertainty. Here’s how it begins: I’m in the midst of packing up my apartment in anticipation of a move on Monday. “In the midst” is how I often feel these…
Resume writing tips for academics
This post was inspired by the most recent #withaPhD Twitter chat as well as a real-life in-person conversation! Here’s how it begins: I was recently chatting with a friend here in Toronto who’s ABD and looking for full-time employment. He told me that when he “buried his degree” on his resume — placed education last…
Beyond the Professoriate conference
In my lastest post I write about an upcoming virtual conference I’m co-hosting with Maren Wood from Lilli Research Group. We’re excited to let you know that the schedule/program is out, and you can find all the details on this webpage. We’ve got 23 PhDs lined up to speak about their career journeys and provide…
Changing the dominant narrative of success after the PhD
In this week’s post I wonder how to change the dominant narrative of career success after a PhD. I share anecdotes and reflect on my own experiences and judgments. Let me know what you think! This is such an important issue, and I’d love to hear what solutions you think might work, or how the…
Priorites, values, strengths
Hi friends! I’ve been feeling a wee bit stressed lately, but I’m trying to let it go and get on with my life. Here’s my pep talk to myself. Maybe it can help you refocus your energies, too. There’s nothing I can do about what people think about me and my colleagues. Nothing. What I…
Professional development
This week’s post over at University Affairs is all about professional development. Here’s the first paragraph: On Monday I finish a coaching class. This will be the second professional development course I’ve done since getting my PhD in 2012. Back then, I’d never thought I’d see another classroom ever again! And, it’s true, I haven’t:…
Be vulnerable, be brave
Today’s post is a reflection on the academy, what comes after, and taking control of one’s life. I’d love to know what you think! Here’s the first bit: Earlier this week I spoke on the phone with Ysette Guevara, a fellow PhD and post-academic who runs her own business helping young people transition to adulthood.…
Note-taking and project management
I was a pro at managing my research notes and ideas during my MA. After that, not so much. Now that I’ve launched another major self-directed project — my new career, that is — I want to learn from past mistakes. Last weekend I resolved to do something about it. After soliciting advice and suggestions…
“I’m a coach”
Remember my “I’m a loser” post? Well, guess what? It’s been a year since I felt that way . . . and not only that, but I’m settling in to a nice new post-academic identity: coach! Read my latest blog post over at University Affairs.