Category: Book Review

  • What Colour Is Your Parachute, PhD? Book Review

    No one book can cover everything a job seeker might find useful to know, but with that in mind, Parachute is an excellent resource for anyone seeking employment outside academia.

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  • Book review: The Unruly PhD

    The Unruly PhD: Doubts, Detours, Departures, & Other Success Stories by Rebecca Peabody is a collection of first-hand accounts and interviews with people who’ve travelled in, through, and beyond graduate school. After a brief introduction by Dr. Peabody, an art history PhD who works at the Getty Research Institute, the book is divided into three sections.…

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  • Patience in the neutral zone

    Early this month was the one-year anniversary of my dissertation defence: 3 February 2012. Thinking about how much time has passed since then can get me down. I’m still not settled into a job or even on a career! Although I’m generally feeling optimistic and am fairly certain good things will come my way, it…

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  • What I’m reading

    Frazier, Ian. Travels in Siberia. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010. This is a wonderful book. Frazier, a regular contributor to the New Yorker, first fell in love with Russia in the 1970s. Since then he’s travelled to the country a bunch of times. Most significantly, he went on a five week car journey…

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