From PhD to Life blog
The PhD Career Exploration and Job Search Course
This was a success when we did it in the fall of 2016, so we’re offering is again starting January 19! For more info, check…
Transition Q & A: Lino Coria
This week’s story is that of Lino Coria, a computer vision engineer at Wiivv Wearables and partner at Scribble Consulting. He started his career as…
Should You Quit Your PhD?
Earlier this year I published “It’s OK to quit your PhD” on my University Affairs blog; it was later reposted on the Shit Academics Say…
Transition Q & A: Jennifer Askey
Jennifer Askey earned tenure and enjoyed her job, but found her husband’s career opportunities limited where they were located. When he got a great offer…
Transition Q & A: Maura Elizabeth Cunningham
The newest Q & A is with a history PhD turned writing and social media manager for a scholarly association. Maura knew when she entered…
Social media manager
Iām hiring a social media manager for From PhD to Life. The mission of From PhD to Life is to help graduate students and PhDs…
Support and community for graduate students and PhDs
My most recent post for University Affairs suggests ways students and PhDs can find or create structure, accountability, and support for themselves and their work.…
Congratulations to me!
Last night I won the gold award for best blog or column in the b2b/academic category at the Canadian Online Publishing Awards. I won this…
What is a PhD, anyway?
My latest post for University Affairs is a reflection piece on the many lived definitions of what PhD is and means and individuals. Part of…
Transition Q & A: Anne Trubek
Something that surprises people is that tenured professors do indeed leave their jobs to move into other careers! Anne is one example of this. Here’s…