From PhD to Life blog
Transitions, transitions
On Monday I conducted an interview with a guy I’ve decided to write about. It’ll be my first real stab at a non-blogging, non-work, non-academic…
CV to resume
It’s a standard exercise advice columns and career centres assign post-PhDs seeking non-academic employment: turn your CV into a resume. Unfortunately, doing so isn’t straightforward.…
What I’m reading
Frazier, Ian. Travels in Siberia. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010. This is a wonderful book. Frazier, a regular contributor to the New Yorker,…
Wasted talent?
When my time came to be “on the market,” I wasn’t. I never applied for an academic job. This wasn’t so much because I decided…
Informational interviews
All the “how to get a job” books emphasize the importance of networking. Informational interviews, they say, are a great way of meeting potential career…
I’m an organized person, mostly. But I am easily distracted, and often forget to keep focused. I make endless to-do lists, cross some things off,…
I want to be a magazine writer?
I love a good non-fiction book. Fantastic feature writing makes me swoon. A great documentary is a beautiful thing. It’s no wonder I took to…
Where are the History PhDs?
As I search for what I can do to happily earn an income post-PhD, I’ve looked to others for inspiration. I’ve found examples of history…
I’ve been thinking about my post-academic career for many months now. What exactly lies ahead isn’t yet clear, but I’m pretty sure of one thing:…
“What are you up to?”
Now that I’m done my PhD, friends and acquaintances often ask me what I’m up to. “What are you doing these days?” It’s a standard question,…