Hello! 👋🏻
I’m Jen Polk, your go-to career clarity coach for underappreciated professors, postdocs, and other PhDs. If you’re done compromising their values and priorities chasing prestige or a paycheck, you’ve come to the right place.
Since 2013, I’ve helped PhDs get crystal clear on what you want to do. I teach them to communicate their value. When you have clarity on what to do and the skills to communicate your value, you can land great-fit jobs. The careers that help you
- live where you want
- get paid well
- do meaningful work with supportive colleagues
I believe that when PhDs know who you are and what you care about that incredible things happen, both for you and for the rest of us. It’s powerful to show up in the world as your true self, rejecting bullshit narratives and refusing to do what everyone expects. This is why my goal for the PhDs I work with is that you act in alignment with your values and priorities. Together, we’ll focus on your strengths, and build a community of people around you who will both challenge and champion you.
I created this free training and my PhD Career Clarity Program for professors, postdocs, and underemployed PhDs ready to to figure out your next great job. And, to land your job without wasting time on bad-fit roles.
About my coaching philosophy
Coaching helps you move forward in life on your own terms. You set the agenda for each session, and for the overall coaching relationship; my agenda is to keep you true to your values, priorities, and goals. Any suggestions I make are offered in the spirit of learning and to help your self-discovery. Accountability is an important part of coaching, and we will work together to ensure you make and accomplish realistic, relevant, and authentic goals. The point of all this is that you’re in charge, and we’ll work together to identify and reach your goals.
My job as your coach is to facilitate you gaining greater awareness, developing suitable plans, and taking meaningful action to achieve your goals. I will use a variety of coaching tools, and follow a basic structure for our sessions, beginning with setting an agenda and ending with what action you will take next.
Have questions? I’m happy to answer them! Email me at Jen@FromPhDToLife.com

Who I help
I help people who think of themselves as academics. Especially those of you who who feel underappreciated at work. Maybe you’re not getting hired. Or not being paid enough. Maybe you’ve been overlooked for opportunities. Or you’ve been disrespected and undervalued by your colleagues.
About my clients
My clients have been successful in academia. I often work with long-time academics like professors and postdocs leaving academia. And with PhDs who’ve found non-academic careers but still haven’t landed in a pace where you can be who you are and make the kind of difference you want to see in the world.
Adjunct faculty and other underpaid instructors know they deserve better than the crumbs academic institutions are willing to give them. Professors know there’s got to be more out there for them than teaching the same set of classes year after year. A life and career where you can still pursue your own interests.
I support successful academics who are ready to spit out the academic culture Kool-Aid. Are you ready to free yourself from bullshit expectations no valued employee should ever be made to put up with? There are other jobs and careers in the world beyond academia. Places where you can do something else and still be the person you want to be.
Accepting a job offer is, at least in part, a leap of faith. You have to trust in yourself and the folks you’ve been in communication with during the application and hiring process. Let me say the first part of that again: You need to trust in yourself!
I want my clients to receive job offers without feeling wracked with indecision about their career direction. This is why I start my work with clients not on converting your academic CV to a resume, nor even with finding interesting opportunities. No.
The work starts with knowing yourself. This seems simplistic, but it’s actually crucial to you being able to take action toward your goals and make big decisions.
What are you values?
What are your strengths (talents)?
What are you skills?
What about the ones you actually want to use and get better at?
How I got started
I do this work because too many PhDs feel crushed by expectations. You might be like them, feeing at odds with who you are and why you entered academia in the first place. My clients find their agency to create your own success story. A future that doesn’t require you to fit into little boxes built to benefit other people. Where you can make the impact you really want on the world by harnessing your strengths to make this world better for everyone.
Read my story
In thinking back to how I felt after my PhD, I had no (full-time, meaningful, decently-paying) job. I had no prospects.
What a shift from a few years earlier, when I won a prestigious national multi-year scholarship. I had been a promising researcher! But now? Ugh.
I felt I had no place in the world. That sucked. Solidarity with anyone going through a similar season.
I did make it to the other side. It turns out that while parts of academic work and scholarly culture resonated with me and drew on my innate talents, this didn’t preclude other work situations and communities from also being a good fit for the best version of me.
Here we are a dozen years later (phew) and I can confirm that I didn’t stop learning. My curiosity didn’t die a slow death from misuse. My valuing perspective taking and open-mindedness continues to come in handy. I still get to write and create. I get to teach! I have time for Wikipedia rabbit holes.
How did you feel when you realized you couldn’t stay in an academic environment anymore? How do you feel now?
Let’s transform how you approach your career after academia together.

Co-work with Jen
Join me for weekly 90-minute co-working sessions Wednesdays at 10am ET on Zoom.
Sessions have begun. Use the registration link below to join us for weekly meetings through August 2024. Meetings start and end with 5 minutes of “what are you working on” and “how did it go,” respectively, with 80 minutes of solo work time in between.
Register below. Then, add the event as a recurring meeting to your calendar so you can attend weekly.
Jen Polk online
Prolific on social media
This is a small lament for the decline of Twitter.
— Jennifer Polk, PhD (she, her) (@FromPhDtoLife) April 4, 2023
I love it here but I don't know if I can recommend that newer-to-social-media folks invest energy in this platform. It's really unfortunate.
I'm not going anywhere, and thanks for continuing to engage in convo with me, tweeps!
Workshops and speaking

Jen Polk is an invited speaker and workshop leader at universities in the United States, Canada, and around the world
Recent speaking engagements and invited workshops include
- University of Washington
- Purdue University
- University of Miami
- University of Lethbridge
- Simon Fraser University
- York University
- Case Western Reserve University
- Columbia University
- Aalborg University
- Rutgers University at Newark
- Radboud University
- Radboud University
- Toronto Metropolitan University
- University of Toronto
- University of Arkansas
- University of Calgary
- West Virginia University
- Brock University
- University of New Brunswick
- Memorial University of Newfoundland
- Canadian Association of Graduate Studies
- University of Glasgow
- University of Waterloo
- McMaster University
- University of California, Berkeley
- Université de Sherbrooke
- Harvard University
- Carleton University
- McGill University

Alright, let's see your pets, plants, artwork, etc. Let's have a nice beautiful soft strong thread. (Please remember to alt text your images.)
— Jennifer Polk, PhD (she, her) (@FromPhDtoLife) July 6, 2023
This is my Izzy. pic.twitter.com/tkbGDqPHaz
I really enjoy having cake for breakfast or a snack. But you can't do that with bought cakes, which are outrageously sweet. I've had fun using ChatGPT to help me build recipes, including this one. And then I cut the sugar even more 😁 https://t.co/deB6wAEwM0
— Jennifer Polk, PhD (she, her) (@FromPhDtoLife) January 28, 2024

Why do recipes say "40 minutes" but then take 3 hours? 😑
— Jennifer Polk, PhD (she, her) (@FromPhDtoLife) April 26, 2021