Are you a sellout if you leave academia after your PhD?

Guess who is the featured guess for the launch of season 4 of the Papa PhD podcast?

Yup, that would be me.

I’m episode 190. (It’s about time, eh! 🤣)

Thanks to David Mendes from Papa PhD for hosting me on his channel(s). We talked about my career journey as well as tackling this question: Are you a sellout if you leave academia after your PhD?

Listen to this podcast episode, “Are You a Sellout if You Leave Academia After Your PhD? With Jennifer Polk,” on the Papa PhD website.

You can also watch our discussion on YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter.

You may be ready to join my PhD Career Clarity Program. Most people start with this free webinar.

For Professors, Postdocs, and Other Overworked, Underappreciated PhDs Ready to Change Careers
After this free 80-minute training you will know how to focus on what’s important instead of letting academia dictate your future; job search strategically without wasting time trying to follow advice that doesn’t apply; apply for the right jobs, ones that let you do what you love without burnout
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