I’m excited to host this live, interactive 90-minute (1.5-hour) workshop presented by Dr. Brandy Simula, PhD!
Read on for more information. Register here.
Flourishing During Job Searches Workshop
When: 30 September 2020, starting at 2pm EDT and ending by 3:30pm EDT
Where: Live on Zoom
Cost: US $25 or pwyc
Register: Link
In this interactive workshop, participants will develop individualized strategies for flourishing during job searches, including searches for traditional faculty positions as well as diverse careers in and beyond the academy. Participants will leave the workshop with a personalized plan for combatting job search-related stress and uncertainty, a map of their job search support network, and strategies for navigating the job market during a global health pandemic and the resulting economic downturn.
- Develop effective boundaries around intellectual and emotional job search labor
- Develop skills for effectively managing job-search related stress and pressure points
- Understand the importance of strategic management of a job search process
- Understand how to balance a job search with academic responsibilities, personal and family commitments, and self-care
Who should attend?
Advanced graduate students and postdocs in any field or discipline, in the process of conducting or intending to conduct a job search in the next 18 months.
The workshop is appropriate for those interested in traditional academic as well as diverse career paths.
Want in? Sign me up!
Brandy L. Simula, PhD (she/her/hers) is an expert in professional development and career exploration and planning for PhDs and PhDs-to-be. A certified career, professional, and life coach, she has given professional development and career exploration and preparation workshops for numerous academic and higher ed professional organizations including the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity, the American Sociological Association, the National Women’s Studies Association, and for universities across the U.S. An active member of the Graduate Career Consortium and the Professional and Organizational Development Network, Dr. Simula also currently serves as a presidential appointee on the American Sociological Association’s Committee on the Status of Women. Her career and professional advice regularly appears in Inside Higher Ed. Dr. Simula holds a PhD in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and is a research affiliate at the Center for Positive Sexuality. Her research has been published in Social Sciences, Sociology Compass, Sexualities, the Journal of Bisexuality, the Journal of Homosexuality, and in edited volumes on identities and inequalities. She is the lead editor of Expanding the Rainbow and the incoming Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Positive Sexuality. For more information about her work, visit brandysimula.com.