Year: 2016
Transition Q&A: Nathaniel Bean
I recently had the chance to talk with Nathaniel Bean, who is finishing his DMA and has two very different but equally interesting jobs, one as education librarian & program assistant at the Detroit Symphony Orchestra’s Wu Family Academy of Learning & Engagement, and the other as a Fellow at Michigan State University’s Office of PhD Career Services.…
Transition Q&A: Jennifer De Mello
After completing her PhD in Chemistry, Jennifer De Mello investigated a variety of career paths. Currently, she holds an intellectually and creatively enriching position as a senior business analyst with Manheim Wholesale Auto Auctions. Daily, I am embedded with the technology team (developers, testers) and work to define or review small units of functionality as they are…
Organizing an Academic Conference? Don’t Forget Twitter
Twitter adds a new dimension to the community and ideas academic conferences generate: If you’ve encouraged tweeting and spread the word about your hashtag, you can expect attendees will be using it. In-person discussions may make their way online, and take on lives of their own. For more insight on incorporating twitter into your next…
Taking risks is key to a successful career change
In my recent University Affairs post, I encourage people to take risks in their career transition, but not huge ones, and not all at once. Small, incremental risks–an informational interview, reframing a resume–are vital in paving the path to your new career. Read more here.
Stalled career search? Don’t give up
Sometimes, the best thing you can do for your career search is to simply not give up. Instead, keep moving forward–even if you don’t know where you’re heading or what your options are. Keep making new connections, reaching out to people, volunteering, or whatever it is you are doing to stay in the game. This…
It’s OK to quit your PhD
My latest post for University Affairs says it’s OK to “quit” — and I put that in parentheses for a good reason. The narrative surrounding not completing a PhD is a negative one: quitting, leaving, failing. But for a great many people, the reality is that they’re moving on because it’s right for them. It’s…
My speaking schedule so far, winter-spring 2016
See my latest post for University Affairs for some reflections on my AHA experience — I co-hosted the Career Fair in Atlanta earlier this month — and info about upcoming events! For more details and updates, check my Events page. Here are the postcards I had printed to bring with me. They were great to…