Twitter chats as public outreach and engagement

Do you know about Twitter chats? These planned interactions are an important part of my work, for different reasons. You may know that I host a biweekly chat using the hashtag #withaPhD. Here’s an excerpt from my latest blog post for University Affairs:

These Twitter chats are fun, engaging, and meaningful for me. I connect with graduate students, professors, and other working professionals with PhDs from around the world. We ask questions, provide answers, suggest and advise; we share insights and resources; we crowd-source information; we commiserate and celebrate. Anyone can join in or read our tweets, and I archive each chat using Storify.

To find out about other PhD-relevant Twitter chats you may participate in, see the full post!

You may be ready to join my PhD Career Clarity Program. Most people start with this free webinar.

For Professors, Postdocs, and Other Overworked, Underappreciated PhDs Ready to Change Careers
After this free 80-minute training you will know how to focus on what’s important instead of letting academia dictate your future; job search strategically without wasting time trying to follow advice that doesn’t apply; apply for the right jobs, ones that let you do what you love without burnout
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