Transition Q & A: Jared Wesley

Today’s post comes via “pracademic” Jared Wesley, a political science PhD, former tenure-track professor, and current director-level provincial public servant. Here’s a taste:

What was your first post-PhD job?

In this environment, I was extremely fortunate to earn a tenure-track position as an assistant professor of political studies at the University of Manitoba. At the time, I considered it my “dream job”; having grown up in Manitoba, I relished the opportunity to give something back to my home community. I was even luckier to have been given that opportunity while still ABD, even though it meant launching my teaching and research program while finishing my dissertation and living in a different province from my partner. Eventually, though, things came together. My partner joined me in Winnipeg, and we got married. I finished my PhD, and transformed my dissertation into my first monograph . . . . Life was great, but it was about to get even better.

For the whole Q & A, head over to my From PhD to Life blog on the University Affairs website.