Elevator pitch

My coaching class homework from last week was to come up with elevator pitches for possible coaching niches. It’s a great assignment, because it really forces us to zoom in on what exactly we’d like to do, and what we think we can do! I decided to focus on “career changers,” a niche that would certainly include post-PhDs in transition to non-academic careers.

That broadening out is prompted in part by the people who read this blog and who’ve reached out to me over the past few months. I’ve discovered, somewhat to my surprise, that I’m not just writing to other PhDs here on From PhD to Life. And of course: career change is career change is career change. Yes, details (which are important and relevant), but there are common concerns and challenges shared by many, many people.

Me and my coaching classmates were given the following phrases and asked to fill in the blanks: “You know how . . . ? Well, what I do is . . . .” We could then come up with some follow-up comments to use if and when appropriate. Here’s what I wrote:

You know how changing careers is a really daunting proposition? Especially for people who’ve worked for a good long while in a particular area?

Well, what I do is work with career changers to help them figure out their goals, identify how to achieve them, and take the necessary steps. Bottom line, my aim is for clients to find happiness and fulfillment. I’m convinced we all can have this!

More things I could say:

  • I have regular, on-going check-ins with my clients as they take on the brave, bold task of figuring out their place in the world.
  • My clients feel empowered, supported, and trusted, things too often missing from people’s lives, especially during difficult transitions.
  • I make the assumption that everyone can have a fun, fulfilling, fascinating, and financially feasible life.
  • At the heart of what I do is have powerful conversations. These usually happen over the phone, over the course of a few months. I love working with motivated, creative, smart people… and really, I think that’s all of us! Together, we talk about dreams and realities, obstacles and possibilities, and focus on the strengths my client already has.
  • I start with a free session, and go from there. I want all the people I talk with to leave our conversation feeling better about themselves and their options, and excited to move forward in their lives. If we get on and the client feels good about talking again, I offer a few paid options.
  • I do one-on-one coaching and host group sessions. The one-on-one sessions allow for a much deeper experience, completely focussed on the client’s own needs and wants. The group experience is for people who want a community of like-minded people to check in with on a regular basis. Really, both are wonderful! And I have clients who do both!
  • I like to end conversations on a positive note, and with my clients feeling good about taking the right next step, whatever that happens to be.
  • I provide accountability for people in transition, and that’s an important element. I’ll follow-up if I haven’t heard from someone in a while, just to make sure things are as they should be.
  • Because our imaginations can be limited, especially after spending years in one career, brainstorming and exploration are crucial. I love being part of this process and it’s so fun learning along with my clients what really gets them excited. I get to share in their discovery and exploration and I just love it.

How’s that? Now I just have to make it all true! If you were to write an elevator pitch for your dream job(s), what would it be? Use the prompts: “You know how [identify challenges]? Well, what I do is [identify how you help].”

You may be ready to join my PhD Career Clarity Program. Most people start with this free webinar.

For Professors, Postdocs, and Other Overworked, Underappreciated PhDs Ready to Change Careers
After this free 80-minute training you will know how to focus on what’s important instead of letting academia dictate your future; job search strategically without wasting time trying to follow advice that doesn’t apply; apply for the right jobs, ones that let you do what you love without burnout
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