I’ve been busy with different projects these past few weeks, and am now taking advantage of having little on my plate! Here’s a bit of what I’ve been up to:
I participated in a panel and discussion about #alt-ac at the University of Toronto at Mississauga. The whole thing was streamed live over the ‘net and you can watch it here. Thanks to Jonathan Turner for inviting me and hosting the event, my fellow panelists, and everyone in the room! It was a great conversation and lots of fun for me.
Liz Covart, another history PhD, and I spoke over Skype about a few different things, including networking. She’s got a piece up about that over at her website. Thanks so much, Liz!
Over the next couple of weeks I’ll be exploring different coach training options, and if something feels right—and my brain’s left hemisphere agrees—I guess I’ll sign up! Although I’m not sure I want to be a coach per se, I am excited to learn some tools of the trade, do some practice coaching, and see where it takes me. If anyone has particular suggestions or experiences, please let me know.
Looks like the sun’s come up, and the rain’s stopped for the moment, so a walk outside is in order! I’ll be back with something more substantial, soon.