Year: 2013
Taking stock and measuring well-being
Happy 1-year blogging anniversary to me! Wow, that went quick. But I completely forgot about this birthday when I wrote the title of my latest post for University Affairs, so taking stock has nothing to do with my blog. Instead, I write about a couple coaching exercises, Marty Seligmans’s theory of well-being, and the importance…
Joseph Fruscione, Freelance Tutor and Editor, Transition Q&A
Joseph Fruscione earned his PhD in English from George Washington University in 2005. Since 1999, he’s taught university-level literature and writing courses at GW, Georgetown, and the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. He’s now teaching first-year writing in GW’s University writing program. He’s published a book — Faulkner and Hemingway: Biography of a Literary Rivalry (Ohio State…
Breaking bad habits, building better ones
In my latest post for University Affairs, I fess up: I’ve got some bad habits! It’s time to break those, and build better ones. Read the rest here. What good habits or practices did you once have that have since fallen away? Maybe it’s time to bring them back? Good luck to us!
Certainty and time
Today’s post is a reflection on my troubles imagining a non-academic future for myself given the pervasiveness of the ready-made academic dream. But over time I realized what I truly wanted. I never went on the academic job market. I thought about it, looked at job listings, read the wikis, and pondered what I might…
“I’m a coach”
Remember my “I’m a loser” post? Well, guess what? It’s been a year since I felt that way . . . and not only that, but I’m settling in to a nice new post-academic identity: coach! Read my latest blog post over at University Affairs.
Supporting dissertators
My most recent blog post over at University Affairs is about how coaching has really been helping me now, my “what if” thoughts about my PhD years, and my new offering: a discussion and support group for dissertators! An excerpt: I’m launching a virtual discussion and support group, open to dissertators and graduate students in…
Peter Larson, Writer and Editor, Transition Q&A
Peter Larson earned his PhD in biological sciences from Ohio University in 2003. He taught for 10 years at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire, where he earned both tenure and a promotion to associate professor. For the past two academic years he served as chair of the biology department. He resigned from his…
Sonja Streuber, Metrics and Risk Manager, Transition Q&A
Sonja Streuber earned her MA in English from the University of California, Davis, where she also spent several years in the PhD program before leaving ABD. She later earned an MSc in engineering management and systems engineering from the George Washington University. Sonja is currently a metrics and risk manager at NiSource and teaches at…
Jared Wesley, Director of Federal-Provincial Relations, Transition Q&A
Jared Wesley earned his PhD in political science from the University of Calgary. He’s now director of federal-provincial relations for the government of Alberta, adjunct professor of political science at the University of Alberta, adjunct professor of political studies at the University of Manitoba, and academic chair of the Institute for Public Administration Canada (IPAC) (Edmonton Regional Group). Find…