My new mission: From PhD to Life, the book!

Oh, this is a bit scary! Yup, I’m working on a book. It’s about the emotional transition part of going “from PhD to life,” whatever that means for each person. More about what I’m planning over at University Affairs.


4 responses to “My new mission: From PhD to Life, the book!”

  1. Way to go! Good luck with the book. You have done such great work with the blog and your articles. I know you will do well with the book.

  2. Hi Jen,

    that sounds great and like something I will definitely want to read and recommend to my coachees. Funnily enough, I spent today reflecting and writing about transitions myself – wishing you all the best in your endeavour, and happy to offer my thoughts if that helps at any point.

    1. Thanks for the comment! I’m checking out your blog now. Seems we have things in common ๐Ÿ™‚ I’d love to talk offline sometime

  3. Katie Vahey Avatar
    Katie Vahey

    Hey Jen!
    I’ve browsed your website and love your newsletter, I’d love to chat with you about your book. My PhD is in Higher Ed Admin, and am well familiar with navigating post-PhD transitions and it’s emotions (alt-ac job search, starting private consulting, supporting a spouse in PhD completion, starting a family). So often it seems, these are common things I discuss with other advanced ed degree holders, but the topics don’t seem to be mainstream themes and generally are tough to navigate. I look forward to chatting. -k