Coaching graduate students

Today’s blog post over at my University Affairs blog includes my thoughts on key themes when working with graduate students.

Here’s the first (of six) points I make:

1. Taking control. Graduate students often don’t feel in control of their lives. Part of my work as a coach is to help clients take and feel they are in charge by making changes to habits, mindset, and embracing who they really are. This isn’t something that comes from me, but follows from the client taking steps in the right direction.

Read the full post here. Let me know what you think!


3 responses to “Coaching graduate students”

  1. Your article should be included in the welcome package for new graduate students. I’m quite serious. 🙂

    The “being vs doing” trap really caught my attention. Fixating on identity, especially dysfunctional and disempowering identities (“starvy artist” or “unemployed philosopher”) can be harmful. By definition, student status is best valued as a stage or chapter of life rather than a fixed identity trait.

    1. It’s such a simple concept, and yet! So easy to get caught in it and have no idea you are. That was my experience. We are not what we do!

  2. Great post, loved reading it. My favorite one was number 6 Being vs. doing. Hope to see more from you.